Security, Safety, and Camaraderie is our motto at MyHunt, so we have included these in our “Live Hunt” Feature.
1. Organise
Organise your hunts by sharing real time information with your guests
- Terrain peculiarities
- Stand locations
- Designation of stands
- Start and end time
- Weather data
2. Hunt
See in real time:
- GPS location of your guests
- Check-ins to stands
- Sightings and harvests
- Pictures
- Notifications
3. Hunt Recap
- After the hunt you will see all the harvests and sightings which were created during the hunt, you can however still add missing ones and further pictures.
You and your hunting guests can only change or delete your own sightings, harvests or pictures.
All data is only visible to you and your guests inside the hunt event. If you leave the hunt event, nothing is visible or editable anymore.